Claim, error, missing item - Setesdal Shop

Claim, error, missing item

Claim, error, missing item

If there is an error or missing the item, or we have sent you the wrong item, the item can be returned. Only original errors are covered by the right of appeal. For example, the right of claim does not include errors that are resulting from normal wear and tear.

After receiving the products, we recommend that you as soon as possible check whether the delivery is in accordance with the order confirmation, whether the products have been damaged during transportation or if the products are otherwise incorrect or missing.

If the products are defective or defective, you may, after the circumstances, request correction of the defect, replacement, price reduction, replacement or purchase. Seller may require repair of the item if it is impossible to obtain a new one, for example, if the product is no longer manufactured or that it causes an unreasonable cost.

Notification of defects and defects of the products may be transmitted to us orally or in writing. This must be done within a reasonable time after you have discovered the error or the lack. However, you still have at least two months' notice of termination. We recommend for proof that the complaint is sent to us in writing. The right to advertise applies for two years after you took over the product, or five years if the product is intended to last for more than two years.

Claim on a product purchased at the store (not paid online)

  • Take the product and receipt to the store where you bought the item.

  • The store will decide on the complaint and agree with you about the solution.

  • Advertise on an item purchased in the online store:

  • Send an e-mail to: news@setesdal.shop or call +47 94871197

  • Enter the order number shown on the receipt you received on mail in connection with the purchase.

  • Please indicate which item is applicable and what is wrong with the item.

  • Please add a picture that shows the error.

  • For complaint assessments, we investigate what is wrong with the product, and provide feedback on whether or not there is a basis for complaint. In some cases, we need to ship the product to the supplier to investigate the product.
